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Educational information about hearing loss, tinnitus, and hearing aids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Earwax is a biological cleaning agent of the inner ear. Earwax will work its way out of the ear naturally. However, sometimes it can stay inside the ear and become impacted. Clogged ears due to earwax can be uncomfortable and cause muffled hearing. If earwax is bothering you, never use a cotton swab, as this can push the earwax further into the canal and damage your eardrum. The best way to clean your ears is by visiting a physician for an ear cleaning.

 Hearing aids have an average lifespan of 3-7 years. To get the most out of your devices, you should clean them every time you take them out of your ears and bring them in every six months for a regular maintenance check. Although hearing aids can last you a long time, many people like to upgrade their technology every 3-5 years to take advantage of the new advancements.

Most of the hearing aids available today are digital. Digital hearing aids use a microphone and electronic signal to recreate sounds in a digital reproduction of sound waves. Analog hearing aids use a microphone and electronic signal but they only increase the size of the sound wave, making sounds louder.

Yes, tinnitus can have a negative impact on mental health. In fact, tinnitus and depression can be experienced together. Depending on how severe your symptoms of tinnitus are, these phantom sounds can impact your sleep, concentration, and mental well-being. If tinnitus is disrupting your quality of life, you should seek help immediately.

Yes, anxiety and stress are major contributors to ringing in the ears. Tinnitus and anxiety often occur together. This is because when you are stressed, this can lead to ringing in the ears. As the tinnitus worsens, it can make you more stressed, which in turn leads to worsening symptoms of tinnitus. It can be an unpleasant cycle that seems never ending.

Allergies can cause the eustachian tube (located by the inner ear) to swell. This swelling can make your ears feel clogged with fluid or earwax. Clogged ears due to allergies is common and should resolve itself within a few days. If you have an earache or clogged ears that is not going away, please contact us.

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6140 Camino Verde Dr.
Ste. I
San Jose, CA 95119

Monday – Friday, 9AM–5PM
Closed during lunch, 12PM-1PM

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The Tower Office Building
17600 Monterey Rd, Ste B
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Monday – Thursday, 9AM–5PM
Closed during lunch, 12PM-1PM

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